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Principle 10

Good teaching and learning encourages children and young people to take increasing responsibility for their own learning.


Learners need to become involved in planning their own learning, through discussions about what they have achieved and how they can best be supported to make further progress. They need a structured process to become independent! Learners need to think strategically and use a structure (for example planning, developing, reviewing), to achieve a goal or solve a problem. Learners also need to be able to stand back and observe their own process of learning, and identify how it can be improved, developing learning-to-learn awareness and skills.

These are the areas addressed: ➢ Classroom Environment ➢ Developing Independent Learning Skills

Video Introduction 

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Literature Review
With what research did we engage? 

Teachers vs Tech? - Daisy Christodoulou

Making Good Progress? - Daisy Christodoulou

7 Myths about Education - Daisy Christodoulou

Daisy has had a profound impact on teaching and learning at Johnston and we use several of her ideas related to repeated quizzing and knowledge. 


What has this meant for us?

Holistic Curriculum 

We have tried to think carefully about broad holistic themes which will allow for the application of cross-curricular skills. 

Consistent Approach from Nursery to Year Six and Beyond

We have tried to ensure consistent approaches in all classes and across the school. For example, we have introduced consistent approaches to the teaching of reading across the school. 

Clear Progression in Skills and Knowledge 

We are working hard to define the knowledge in our curriculum. 

One example of this is our introduction of Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS). KIRFS are key instant recall maths facts that all children must know. 


Pupil Voice

Year Five pupil: 

" I love using the Leitner system for Welsh because it helps me to keep track of learning which I completed several weeks ago. I also like how good we get at it as a class." 


We use a system for monitoring pupil progress in maths and reading across the school. 

We also use personalised assessments to consider pupil progress in different year groups. 

Casual Meeting
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