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Principle 5

The Principle: Good teaching and learning sets tasks and selects resources that build on previous knowledge and experience, and engage interest.


Children and young people arrive at school with different aspirations, interests and experiences, and so will approach learning in their own ways. Therefore, a precise understanding of prior learning is a pre-requisite for effective progress. A one-size-fits-all approach to learning will not meet this wide range of needs; consequently, learning needs to be varied to provide high challenge for all learners. The final focus in this section sets out how teachers can develop high-quality skills and understanding of how to engage learners.


These are the areas addressed: ➢ Finding Out About Prior Learning ➢ Varying Learning to Provide High Challenge for all Pupils ➢ Engaging Learners

Video Introduction 

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Literature Review
With what research did we engage? 

An Ethic of Excellence - Ron Berger

The Components of Authentic Learning - Rule, Audrey C.

Using Authentic Contexts to Academically Motivate Students - Willems, Patricia P.; Gonzalez-DeHass, Alyssa R.


What has this meant for us?

Authentic Contexts for Learning

Using the outdoors has been a key driver in this for us. We have used outdoor projects as a focus to improve our provision and create exciting projects for pupils. 

Beautiful Work

A key part of our work involves children producing something at the end of a project. For example, pupil might run a business, write a report or  participate in a play.

School Visitors 

We have developed a 'Special Visitor Programme' so that we have a broad range of visitors to inspire and motivate children. We ensure that we invite people from a broad range of industries and experiences. 

REAL Projects

We decided that we would like learning to have a purpose and goal at the end, therefore we have introduced Real, Engaging, Authentic Contexts for pupils' learning. We use this to guide the development of curriculum topics. 


Pupil Voice

Year Four pupil: 

"I have loved meeting George. We are going to set up our own company and I would like it to be like his, using a hobby that I love to inspire my designs." 


We feel that we have made significant progress with this pedagogical principle. We would like to continue to develop our ability our extra-curricular activities. 

We would also like to continue to ensure that our REAL projects both motivate and inspire pupils.  

Casual Meeting
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