Principle 2
The Principle: Good teaching and learning challenges all learners by encouraging them to recognise the importance of sustained effort in meeting high expectations that are achievable.
Good teaching and learning challenges all learners by encouraging them to recognise the importance of sustained effort in meeting expectations that are high but achievable for them. High challenge is an imperative for developing perseverance. The direct links to success through effort is well documented through work of researchers, such as Carol Dweck and her work on Growth Mindset.
These are the areas addressed: ➢ High Expectations ➢ Perseverance and Resilience ➢ Praise and Effort
Video Introduction
Literature Review
With what research did we engage?
Focus and flow - learning to learn.
2. Fear Is The Mind Killer: Why Learning to Learn deserves lesson time - and how to make it work for your pupils. by James Mannion.
Carol Dweck on Growth Mindset.
4. Ian Warwick - London Gifted and Talented
What has this meant for us?
Specific praise for effort
Providing higher ability work and showing they can do it...E.g. you are doing GCSE Maths.
Pupil choice in learning, bronze, silver, gold etc.
Pupil voice for challenged and interventions.
Resources scaffolding so that every child can achieve.
Staff C.P.D. on focus and flow.
Celebrating all achievements inside and outside school.
Celebration awards.
Encouraging pupils to challenge themselves.
Aspirational curriculum content. Higher level challenging texts.
REAL curriculum and visitor initiatives.
PS2 and PS1
Growth Mindset - Marvelous mistakes.
Developing independent learning and using freeflow.
Challenging activities in play and teacher led.
Using the four purposes.
Pitching pace, short sharp learning.
Self assessment and next steps.
High expectations in all areas.
Use of the learning pit with pupils.
High quality WAGOLLS.
Mixed ability groupings.
Coloured self-assessment.
Peer assessment.
Extension challengines.
Self-reflection wall.
99 Club.
Application of skills in different contexts.
Jigsaw linked lessons.
Enterprise learning.
Pupil Voice
Year five in focus:
- " I have loved using challenges where we have improved in maths by realising that we need to focus and learn from mistakes. It has really helped my maths to 'click'.
" We love our WAGOL texts that are very challenging and show us a high level of writing."
2024 Evaluation
Nearly all pupils have positive attitudes to learning. hey understand the importance of sustained effort for progress in learning.
Many pupils respond well to challenge and thrive working on skills beyond their year group.